Our CEO Soheila Azizi was featured in:
Woman, Life, Liberty (Freedom): A dialogue with Soheila Azizi, J.D., Attorney At Law, Women on The Move Network, Vice Chair; People For Peace & Prosperity, Inc. CEO
1) What is meant by Liberty or Freedom?
2) Is reality of a person his/her gender or his/her soul and thoughts?
3) Is not True Liberty freedom from vain imagination, irrational and inhuman belief systems, be it religious, cultural, traditional, or political?
4) Are there any means of gaining freedom other than a true holistic, personal, societal, cultural shift of paradigms through a universal system of education that addresses and nurtures the all around physical, mental, and spiritual needs and capabilities of each individual?
5) The fundamental change takes place when the individual transformation occurs. Without such a transformation the change of systems will neither be fully effective nor long-lived and sustainable.
6) The growth of individuals, institutions, and the society as a whole, should collaborate and mature within a framework of action towards realization of a true liberty for all!
7) Religious beliefs do not consist in dull resignation or idol worshiping. It is the conviction and reliance on a metaphysical and unknowable source of Energy that provides means of securing “Hope, Love and Faith”.
Such a system of belief or religious attitude causes humility before a universal power, while nurturing feelings of belonging to one human family, and an unconditional love for humanity and dedication to building an ever progressing and peaceful world. This is the true meaning of religion and servitude.
9) The true empowerment of individuals from early childhood is essential to achieving true liberty for all. The empowerment must be unbiased, prejudice free, and based on the truthful education of our historical journey that starts with self exploration and actualization of capacities of all members of our human family.
10) True reflection, meditation and constant battle against our lower nature, the negative forces aimed at causing division and otherness, is the starting point of transformation. This is the true Jihád and not necessarily battles and mass destruction of people of opposing views as some may have erroneously fathomed from the scriptures of the past.
11) In our strive towards a peaceful society where liberty and pursuit of justice may be achieved, no leader should ever resort to aggression and violence. A New World order based on truth, love, wisdom, and collaboration, and most importantly the recognition of our “oneness” should replace the old ways of leading by aggression, falsehood, suppression and marginalization of half of the population of the world, if we ever hope to fulfill the prophecies of the past about Unity, Justice, and Peace.
محاوره با دكتر سهيلا عزيزي درباره :
١) زن، زندگى و آزادي
٢) قادر كردن و شكوفا كردن دختران و زنان
٣) تاثير تعليم و تربيت در دوران بچگى
٤) آزادي از جميع تعصبات از جمله جنسي
٥) نقش تغيير و تحولات فردي در جامعه
٦) ضرورت توسل به يك قوه ماورا الطبيعه بهر عنواني
٧) مفهوم جهاد بمعني جهد و سعى كردن در انجام كار
٨) مفهوم جهاد بمعني مقابله با قواي غير انساني
٩) جهاد با نفس خود مهمترين جنگ و جهاد است
١٠) اشاره به دين بعنوان عامل محبت و نه نزاع و جدال
١١) اهميت تفكر كردن و خرد ورزيدن
١٢) اهميت عبوديت به حق( حقيقت) و عبوديت به خلق
١٣) تمركز در ايجاد انسانهاي با شرف و با وجدان
١٤) اهميت تربيت كردن رهبران آينده
١٥) تاكيد بر عدم مقابله خشونت آميز
١٦) اهميت شركت در جسازندگي اجزاي نظم نوين
١٧) هويت معنوي انسانها