Introduction: In a world often divided, there are stories that bridge the gaps and unite hearts. The #OurStoryIsOne campaign, launched by the Baha’i International Community (BIC), is a testament to the power of collective destiny and shared values. This global initiative commemorates the 40th anniversary of the execution of 10 Baha’i women in Shiraz, Iran, who were hanged for their unwavering belief in a faith that champions gender equality, justice, and truthfulness. Their courage sparked a worldwide wave of support for the persecuted Iranian Baha’i community.
Honoring the Legacy:
The #OurStoryIsOne campaign pays tribute to these 10 brave women and extends its dedication to all women in Iran, regardless of their faith or background, who have played vital roles in the struggle for gender equality. It calls for artistic contributions to honor not only the 10 but all the women in Iran who have contributed to this ongoing battle for justice.
These women faced unimaginable hardship, enduring brutal interrogations, torture, and ill treatment for six months leading up to their execution. They were presented with a choice: recant their faith or lose their lives. Unwavering, they chose to stand for equality and justice, leaving an indelible mark on history.
A Resilient Path to Equality:
“The arduous path to gender equality in Iran has been walked by countless women over the decades. That road has been marked by the sacrifices of those who chose to stand for their principles even over their lives,” says Simin Fahandej, the Baha’i International Community Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.
Creative Contributions and Global Support:
The campaign invites contributions that celebrate the memory of these women and the broader pursuit of gender equality. Contributions have poured in from around the world, including songs, podcasts, paintings, poems, graphic art, and tapestries. People from all walks of life have united to honor the 10 women and the resilient spirit of all Iranian women.
The campaign extends beyond creative expressions; it’s a call for unity and a shared commitment to gender equality. It resonates deeply with today’s generation of women in Iran who continue to strive for justice and equality.
A Worldwide Movement:
Memorial events are being organized worldwide, from high-level international gatherings to local initiatives. Houses of Worship in Australia, Germany, and the United States will host events, while Sweden’s Deputy Mayor of Stockholm, Anders Österberg, will co-organize an event with the Baha’i community at Stockholm City Hall.

Young people globally have been inspired by the stories of these women and their unwavering commitment to their beliefs. They’re creating art, music, and theater pieces to contribute to the campaign.
A Unified Voice:
“We are deeply moved by the level of support already seen for the campaign,” says Ms. Fahandej. “The support shows that the unified call to view the struggle of Iranian women for gender equality as part of the same story that resonates with all. We are all deeply interconnected, our story is linked, and we are walking the same path towards the shared value of gender equality.”
A Year-Long Journey:
The #OurStoryIsOne campaign will continue for a year, with artistic contributions welcomed throughout this period. Its most intensive phase begins now, with daily posts and contributions throughout June, culminating in a Twitter storm on June 18th.
The #OurStoryIsOne campaign reminds us of the power of unity, equality, and shared values. It honors the memory of these 10 remarkable women and all those who continue to strive for gender equality in Iran. Together, we are inextricably linked, regardless of faith or background, and together, we will make our voices heard until our shared ideals are realized.