Grassroots Initiatives Animated by the desire to transform themselves and their community, individuals from Edea, Cameroon, form “common initiative groups.” The groups focus on learning about the spiritual nature of human beings as a foundation for addressing social and economic problems. To raise funds to support their efforts, the individuals involved plant produce and raise animals to sell.
In order to raise awareness among her peers about gender equality and violence against women, a Bahá’í youth from Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, holds biweekly meetings during lunch at her high school to discuss issues such as domestic violence, unequal pay rates, and trafficking in women and girls.
Bahá’í mothers in a village on the island of Karkar, Papua New Guinea, determined to participate in the development of their community and inspired by the principle of the equality of men and women, decide to construct their own village medical post. The women put their plan into action, enabling over 3,500 residents to have access to a medical facility