Our goal is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Half of humanity—3.5 billion people—live in cities today, and this number will continue to grow. Because the future will be urban for a majority of people, the solutions to some of the greatest issues facing humans— poverty, climate change, healthcare, education— must be found in city life.
All these issues will eventually affect every citizen. Inequality can lead to unrest and insecurity, pollution deteriorates everyone’s health and affects workers’ productivity and therefore the economy, and natural disasters have the potential to disrupt everyone’s lifestyles.
Take an active interest in the governance and management of your city • Take notice of what works, and what doesn’t in your community • Advocate for the kind of city you believe you need • Develop a vision for your building, street, and neighborhood, and act on that vision.
Are there enough jobs? Are you close to healthcare? Can your children walk to school safely? Can you walk with your family at night? How far is the nearest public transport? What’s the air quality like? What are your shared public spaces like?
The better the conditions you create in your community, the greater the effect on quality of life. To find out more about Goal #11 and other Sustainable Development Goals, visit: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment